Basa and pumpkin fishcakes

From Cookipedia

Another use for your garden squashes and pumpkins.

Make a larger batch of these tasty Basa and squash fishcakes and freeze any excess.

Basa and pumpkin fishcakes
Servings:2 people
Calories per serving:403
Ready in:1 hour
Prep. time:15 minutes
Cook time:45 minutes
Difficulty:Average difficulty
Recipe author:Chef
First published:23rd October 2012

Best recipe review



Unusual, but rather nice. Always good to use up spares squashes.

The Judge


Printable 🖨 shopping 🛒 list & 👩‍🍳 method for this recipe

Mise en place

  • Preheat the oven to 190° C (375° F - gas 5)


  1. Place the basa fillets in a flat oven dish and add a little milk, or milk and water, so the fish is just covered.
  2. Halve the pumpkin and remove the seeds, leave the skin on as it's easier to remove the flesh after cooking than it is to peel first.
  3. Cut a few slashes in the squash, drizzle with olive oil and season well
  4. Roast in the top of the oven for 30 minutes or until the flesh is soft
  5. After the squash has been roasting for 15 minutes, bake the basa, covered, in the bottom of the oven for the last 15 minutes.
  6. Scoop the pumpkin flesh into a bowl, add the butter, seasoning, chives or spring onions, lemon juice and seasoning and mash well.
  7. Drain the fish and discard the milk. Remove the skin from the basa and flake into a bowl with the squash, add the flour and mix well.
  8. Shape into 12 small oval patties (or 5 huge ones), coat with beaten egg and roll in the breadcrumbs. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to allow the flour to absorb moisture.
  9. Shallow fry for a few minutes a side turning often.

Serving suggestions

Serve with broccoli or broccoli and cauliflower cheese


Add sesame seeds to the breadcrumbs

Use cornmeal or masa harina instead of flour for different flavour and texture. I used 2 large ladles of masa this time and they were really special fishcakes.

If spring onions or chives are out of season, peel and slice a small onion, gently fry without colouring and add as a substitute.

Add some chopped chillies to the fishcakes for a little bite!

Add some chopped prawns or king prawns to make them stretch even further

Chef's notes

If you don't want to use an oven, the squash can be sliced and boiled in water as you would potatoes. Leave the skin on for ease of preparation. Half cover the basa with milk and simmer in a shallow pan for 6 minutes, turning once.

See also

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#squash #basa #breadcrumbs #basaandpumpkinfishcakes #springonions #egg #chives #pumpkin #butter #oliveoil #fry